Welcome TWENTY-FIVE new friends to Sweet Farm!

You may have seen our announcement in November about taking in five turkeys from yet another sanctuary having to close its doors and re-home over 100 rescued animals. Well Sweet Farm actually agreed to take in five turkeys, six chickens, ten ducks, and four goats -- and now everyone is here and settled in!!  

This is the third time that Sweet Farm has been able to step up and take in animals from sanctuaries that are closing...and with your support it won't be the last.

Since losing her beloved Astrid this summer, our mama goat Greta had been spending lots of time alone. We desperately wanted new friends for her.

So you can imagine how excited we were when we saw Rosie and Millie, who bear a striking resemblance to Greta and her son Earl! Animals are just like people - they will naturally gravitate towards others who look similar. "Birds of a feather" isn't just a cliché! And it worked! Greta and Millie became fast friends, and Earl loves her too!!

We have already accrued over $4,000 in hospital bills alone for just one of the new goats, and every new animal gets a vet visit when they arrive.

Can you help us give our new friends the soft landing they deserve?

Five new turkey ladies!:

Larry, Jerry, Fred, Mako, & Butternut

Tiny Gator

This little guy is full of spunk and will join every tour the second he hears people near the gate!

All of these animals were rescued and promised a life full of love and safety...only to be uprooted and have to start their healing journeys all over again. We have promised these animals that they will not be displaced yet again, but we can't keep that promise without your help. Thank you for helping support all of the loving and beautiful animal ambassadors who call Sweet Farm home. 


BIG NEWS! You can now find sustainable goods for your home and life in our store! 


Time to plan (and shop)!