Sweet Farm’s


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

― Margaret Mead

For Kids

Be part of the change.

Sweet Farm’s 4-H Group is made up of climate warriors who want to learn how they can help slow climate change…starting at home.

Kids will learn about:

  • being a steward of the land

  • identifying local flora and fauna, and their significance

  • improving soil health (and why it’s important!)

  • becoming an eco warrior

  • supporting pollinators

  • growing food to minimize climate footprint

  • providing lifelong care for farm animals

  • ...and so much more! 

We meet once a month to learn about these topics, and how they are all interconnected. We are always accepting new and curious minds age 5 and up!

Our next meeting is Saturday, October 12 at 2pm at our farm in Himrod, NY.

Want to start your own compassionate 4-H group at your organization?

For Organizations

What is 4-H?

4-H is a youth development program in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that's available in every state and over 80 countries. The program is open to youth ages 5–19 who want to learn new skills, have fun, and explore the world. 4-H's name comes from its original motto, which includes the letter "H" four times: head, heart, hands, and health. The program's goals are to promote positive youth development, facilitate learning, and engage youth in their communities.

Why 4-H?

4-H is an enormous, countrywide youth program that is available in all areas of the country, and is often the only youth program available in rural areas. 4-H has limitless environmental and gardening curricula, leaders are empowered to make their own entirely new curricula, and we can teach kids how to respect animals at the same time.

Ok, you’ve convinced me! What next?

Decide what you want your group to focus on and then get in touch with your local county’s 4-H office. You will apply to start a new group, and start recruiting. Ask your 4-H contact for curriculum surrounding your chosen topics and you can pick and choose lessons for your group. Plan monthly meetings, the first of which will be where the parents fill out enrollment forms from 4-H.