Enjoying the bounty of the season is actually the most sustainable way to eat!

This is our favorite time of year! Fresh flowers in our houses, homegrown salads every night, all the greens, veggies, berries we can eat. But what if you didn't grow your own garden?? Well there are lots of ways you can still enjoy nutritious, local produce and at the same time reduce your carbon footprint! 

1. Take advantage of the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables available during the summer months by shopping at your local farmers market. Not only will you be supporting local farmers, but you'll also reduce the carbon footprint associated with transporting food long distances. The closer to home you get your food, the lower the footprint.

2. Have neighbors or coworkers who garden? Create a produce trading or drop-off spot in your neighborhood or workplace! All gardeners grow too much of something. And we want nothing more than for that harvest that we tended and cared for to go to a good home and to nourish those around us!

3. Eat more veggies. Summer is the time to enjoy all that nature has to offer, which honors her as well! Changing your eating habits is the single most impactful thing you can do to shrink your carbon footprint. So grill fresh veggies and skip the meat! Check out our website for some inspiration on how to use that incredible fresh produce!

If you missed it, you can check out last month's sustainability newsletter for more tips on enjoying a sustainable summer! 

Plastic-Free July!

Every July, individuals and communities around the world come together to participate in Plastic-Free July, a global movement aimed at reducing plastic waste and fostering sustainable habits. This initiative challenges us to rethink our reliance on single-use plastics and take proactive steps towards a cleaner, healthier planet. Learn more here!

Here are just a few ways you can participate in Plastic-Free July!

  • Bring a reusable steel water bottle instead of buying plastic single-use bottles

  • Bring a reusable coffee mug to get your coffee, or dine in!

  • Refuse plastic straws - bring a reusable bamboo or metal straw if you want to use one

  • Refuse plastic produce bags - you don't need them!

  • Bring a reusable bag to the bakery instead of buying bread in plastic

  • Swap any bathroom items you run out of in July for plastic-free alternatives (bar soaps, metal safety razors, bamboo hair/toothbrushes)

  • Buy only natural fibers (cotton, hemp, bamboo, linen) - no polyester, viscose, nylon, rayon, spandex, microfiber, etc.

  • Buy nothing!

Click here for more ideas! 


So. Much. Zucchini.


Your garden is in...now what?